“….you forgot stewies bunker closet,” nyxin commented. Some redditors naturally called into question missing details. “Very cool and strikingly accurate! You don’t get this sense from the show, but the Griffins actually have a pretty huge house!” lastoftheyagahe added. Thank you for being a pleasant surprise,” wrote myranthon. “Clicked on this fully expecting disappointment. The post has received over 23,800 upvotes, with many Redditors praising the images. In this recreation of the house’s den, a family photograph in the background displays Lajt-’s penchant for detail. He created almost every room in the house as well, including the living room in which the Griffin family spends the majority of its time.

That’s right: Lajt- didn’t stop at the house’s exterior, which can be seen as the establishing shot in many Family Guy episodes. stupid cartoon!,” Lajt-, who doesn’t even “play the game,” commented. As you can see on the floor plan, the outside doesn’t match the inside. “This took me 2 days to build, with only one crash to send me back 3 hours. 13, redditor Lajt- posted an imgur album to the hugely popular r/pics subreddit, accompanied by the title “ My Family Guy / The Sims 3 Mash up! I hope you like it :)” Now, a gamer has used The Sims 3 to build the house from Family Guy. First, “Rumsey” used Minecraft to completely create Azeroth from World of Warcraft.