The lower the number, the more often it will happen.

MTTH means "mean time to happen" on a per province basis.

The rate of spread is primarily affected by the moral authority (MA) of the church, and I'll describe how that, and any other factors, affects it. Heresy on the other hand can spread on its own. Therefore, if you want a province converted to the One True Faith you and/or your vassals will need to use your Court Chaplains to actively convert the province. Religions from different religious groups will only spread via inquisitions. Do note that their modifier depends on the tech-level in their capital, not yours, so increasing religious flexibility in your capital will not directly make your heretic/infidel subjects like you more, but it will likely make the tech spread faster to them. As mentioned in the installment on technology, this only has an effect if the tech level has been achieved in the capital county of the character. This penalty is reduced by the religious flexibility technology 10% per level. Infidels get a mutual -30 opinion modifier, heretics a -35 opinion modifier, and people of different sub-groups of the same religion (e.g., Catholic and Orthodox) get a -10 opinion modifier. If a province is of a different sect than its liege its revolt risk will increase by 8% far larger than the 2% penalty from being in the wrong culture group.įrom a specific character's perspective, anyone of a different religious group is an infidel, while anyone of a different religion within the same religious sub-group (e.g., Catholic and Cathar Christianity) is a heretic. In Crusader Kings II, every province and character follows a sect, and this can have a major effect on their interactions with other characters. I'll be going into things like religious spread and heresy.Īs I once again went over the character limit, the summary and the sections on converting provinces, popes, antipopes, and tactics are in a comment below. As you can only play as christian characters (unless you bypass that limitation, some info on that later), this installment will be from a christian perspective.

Religion is core to how Crusader Kings II works.